
High Performing Workplaces: Workforce Futures Employer Survey - Playford & Salisbury Wave 3


YesThe Workplace Futures Survey (WFS) – Playford and Salisbury is a longitudinal workplace survey implemented in Playford and Salisbury. The WFS is designed to capture in-depth information on a range of workplace issues and trends that will provide a comprehensive picture of the issues and challenges faced by employers in the region. This report focuses on Wave 3 of the WFS which was completed by 387 employers during October to November 2014. Results are compared with Wave 1, which was administered a year earlier (November 2013) to 451 employers and Wave 2 completed in May 2014 by 455 employers. The WFS includes a number of core questions on business sentiment, organisational performance along with vacancy and skill demand. Wave 2 also contained focus questions on the potential impact of the automotive closure, whereas Wave 3 explores establishment engagement with High Performance Workplace Practices (HPWP).Department of State Development, South Australi

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