
The peer experience for older people encouraging other older people to engage in resistance training: A qualitative study


Resistance training (RT) can maintain and improve physical and mental health in 2 older adults, but this population has low levels of participation in RT. Linking older people 3 already participating in RT (i.e. peers) with those who have not may promote and maintain 4 adherence to RT participation. This qualitative study explored the experience of peers in 5 encouraging participation in RT among older community-dwelling adults. Data were collected 6 using focus groups, researcher observations, and semi-structured interviews. Thematic 7 analysis was conducted. Older people (n=8) who had engaged in RT for at least two months 8 prior to recruitment, participated as peers. They each provided peer support for between one 9 and four RT participants for six weeks. The peer role was perceived by peers as potentially 10 leading to a relationship which was of benefit to both parties. Peers reported that helping and 11 supporting others was a positive experience and raised their own self-efficacy. Difficulty 12 initiating contact and differing expectations of peers and RT participants were viewed as 13 challenges. Peer-mentoring could help to promote RT participation among older adults. 1

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