Letter from P. A. Doran to John Muir, 1903 Apr 21


San Francisco April 21st 1903 Professor John Muir. Martinez My Dear Professor Leaving here Thursday morning next with the Columbia will be my last trip for some time, and I go east from Portland, and possibly heave to in Europe/ Mrs. Doran will be accompanying me. I intended calling on you last month, but the annual drydocking and overhauling threw us so far behind thime that it looks nearly like the whole month to catch our old schedule. And this month Mrs. Doran has been busy preparing for our journey. I am sorry I canΓÇÖt see Helen before I leave, as I have some huge stories of our friends the ΓÇ£Huge Levithians of the deep.ΓÇ¥ But I will expect to see some on the Atlantic and will tell her all about them when I return. Mrs. Doran joins me in kindest regards to yourself and your family. Wishing you a successful voyage and that you may discover several new ΓÇ£Huge LeviathasrsΓÇ¥ I am Sincerely yours P. A. Doran S.S. Columbi

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