Letter from Cha[rle]s F. Lummis to John Muir, 1903 May 11.


Los Angeles. Cal May...llth 1903. Dear Mr. Muir: You probably know all about this already \u27but a bright and pleasant young man here insists that there is only one best view in the Yosemite, and that it is not generally known, and that you can see four of the five falls from it-all at once. I send along his communication and directions for what they are worth, which you will know better than I. Wishing you all good luck in the outing, and renewing my advice to Keep the Gentleman on Foot, and hoping that you may be able to make a sneak down this way before you depart,Hastily butAlways your friend,Turbese sends love[ILLEGIBLE]0324

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