Letter from Bliss Perry to John Muir, 1903 Jan 6.


EDITORIAL OFFICE OF THETHE ATLANTIC MONTHLY 4 PARK ST. $ BOSTONJanuary 6, 1903. Dear Mr, Muir. You may remember that in writing to you several weeks ago about your review of professor Sargent\u27s Silva , I mentioned the fact that we are planning to issue one number of the Atlantic in which every article shall be written by a Californian.We have now decided to issue this California number in July of the present year. Owing to the time required for getting proofs back from the authors, we are anxious to have all the material for the number in hand by the first of April,Now I need not say that if we were to issue a California number of the magazine without a Contribution from you, we should be condemned by every Californian, to saynothing of every other reader of the Atlantic, and I am sure you will wish to do your part toward helping us to bring out this notable number of the magazine.---We have some of the material already in hand, and are greately interested in making the July issue as much of a success as possible. Will you not be good enough to tell me at as early a date as possible what the nature of your contribution will be?---We wish to have you write about anything in the world that interests you, but preferably, of course, from the point of view of this number, about something which would fit in well with that particular issue of the magazine. I hope that you are in good health and heart, and that this letter may find you in such a good-natured mood that you will sit down and tell me what you will do for us. Sincerely yours, [illigible] Mr. John Muir.[03132

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