New polychrome methods in microtechnique


When the writer took an introductory course in Microtechnique in 1954-55, he was impressed by the inadequacy of some microtechnical procedures recommended in triple staining, and he felt disappointed and discouraged by the consistently inferior results. He resolved to attempt modifications or to develop a new technique which could be relied upon to achieve anticipated results. This is a report on two years of efforts to develop a simple dependable technique in polychrome staining for histological studies. The writer feels that the results are of importance to students and teachers of biological science and to microtomists. The herein proposed technique enables the observer readily to recognize fine details of microscopic structures, and it presents a more attractive picture than does the common Harris’ hematoxylin counterstained with eosin. This report also includes a list of polychrome procedures, divided into four groups: (1) hematoxylin and combinations, (2) safranin and combinations, (3) acid fuchsin and combinations, and (4) miscellaneous

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