Letter from E. McD. Johnstone to John Muir, 1887 Jul 26.


[3]You under your own mine and fig[illegible]Iremain Yours respyMcD Johnstone[illegible] S.P.C. Blde01271[1]San Francisco July 26/87Mr John Muir Martinez Cal. My Dear SirI mail you today the small book on Shasta to which there will be soon added 15 pages devoted to Oregon Scenery, a copy of which I will send you. I regret that I could not have [stricken word] met you before its publication.I am now [2] working up. something of the same kind for Tahoe and would be greatly pleased if you would make any suggestions in that Connection.Have you ever published your entire works on this Coast? if not, why not? There has never in my humble opinion been any =thing written in your line that anywhere near approaches you in general excellence Still hoping that I may have the pleasure of meetin

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