Letter from J[ohn] H. Boyes to John Muir, 1888 Jan 19.


[in margin: 213]Himrods Yates Co N.Y. Jan. 19th /88Mr. John MuirMy Dear old friendHaving thought of you a thousand times and longing to hear from you I have resolved to write hoping to find you. A Prof- [essor?] Crowhurst or [illegible] took the last evening with me and read me a glowing account of you in a lecture on the Yosemite Valley by Rev. Thos [Guard D.P.?] which very much pleased me. The Prof- said he thought I could find you by writing you in care of the Overland Monthly and so I anxiously write this short note and if you receive it and [illegible] I will unburden my feelings to you in a long letter By the Bye I have some intentions of coming out to Cal. I have written to the Rev. E. B. Hatch of Salinas City in reference to a field of labor out there. And how I would like to see you.! And now will yo please answer, and send me a good photo of yourself if you have one? and I will send you my photo (recently taken in return) And now when I weight about 183.. tho I am not afraid of the [awks?] hanging around the old Hollow carrying me off. However I might say that a wineglass dose has. Impatiently waiting a reply I am your very dear_ friendJ. H. Boyes0128

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