Letter from John Muir to Sarah [Muir Galloway], 1873 May 26.


Yosemite Valley May 26th 1873Dear sister Sarah I have just time to say that I hope you all are happy & that I hope to escape from all these rocks & glaciers in after years so that I may rest amogst you. Yet I love the mountains with a stronger love every year. I have some weeks of difficult work among glaciers that I discovered last year but will not commence it for a month or so until the deepest snow melts. I hope sometime this season to make an excursion along the range north & south to lake Tahoe & to Kings River Canon Here is a clipping a friend sent from town. You may care to see it. Remember me to David & the children & to Mrs Galloway & all — Pure spiritual mountain light fills our sublime valley, & how keenly I enjoy it. The eyes of Dear Mrs Galloway are filled with a light yet more spiritual that material eye hath not seen I am well with fondest love John Muir ————— 0066

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