Letter from Robert Herrick to John Muir, 1896 Nov 21.


02177[1][letterhead]Nov 21, 1896John Muir, Esq.Martinez, Cal.My dear Sir:I send herewith my little account of my friend, Philip Abbot. It has already been submitted - with another draft - to his parents and approved. I hope that you will find it what you want for the Sierra Bulletin, although I am aware that the mountaineering interests are not treated at special length. Mr. Abbot, although [2]an enthusiastic and devoted climber, had not in the nature of things been able to accomplish unusual feats. Whatever he did that was of special interest has been described and printed in the Applachia articles and in Mr. Thompson\u27s accompanying article for your magazine.Therefore I have attempted to present some aspects wh. would make his life interesting to his fellow members in the Sierra Club, many of whom knew him at least a little.2[3]Very truly yours,Robert herrick21 Nov /96

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