Letter from Alfred Bradley Brown to John Muir, ca. 1858


1858 618 Well John I thought it was about time I was answering your letter. I have been so busy that I have not had much time to write. I thought you would get out of patience wating. So I thought I would begin to press [onward?] I guess I wont write poetry this time you see I ant so used to writing poetry as you be I liked your letter first rate I should like very much if I could write as goode one myself I should like first rate to meet over to the Old school house and speak prices and sing our old press onward song as we used to last winter I wonder where our teacher has gone and if he now and then thinks how his scholars are J Muir Es.getting along and of the may times we used to have last winter and I wish we might meet him again in the Old school house and hear him call us to order again and hear some of his wonderful speeches. ask Dave how he liked that awful C[illegible] I dont know but I have wrote enough I guess it is time to halt I am shure I suppose this is not as good a letter as you expected but I will try and do better next time answer this as soon as you can and excuse all mistakes. From your friend A B. Brown 00236

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