Letter from R[obert] U[nderwood] Johnson to John Muir, 1893 Mar 9.


[1][letterhead]1893.March 9.Dear Muir:This is deadly confidential. Irish went to Washington for the Commissioner ship of Public Lands (ye [illegible]!) He will not get it. He will be lucky if he gets any thing outside of Wash. The powers that be have been enlightened as to his Cal. reputation. I have written two letters and J.P. is pretty well [illegible]lated. 01638 [2]I suppose the [Caminetti?] bill failed. I sent the noble report to nearly every member of both Public Lands Committees and I doubt not your telegram finished the business. I’m sorry there isn’t to be an extra session for now no investigating committee can go into Yosemite till a year from next June and the [illegible] will not come up till the short session of 1894-5. You see how important it is for Recession to succeed in your legislature this winter. With Nobles’ reservation as a weapon you could succeed, I think[3][letterhead]As it is, public opinion [must?] be worked up anew. The [iron?] will cool again [& the fire will have to be refired?]. This is going to a [neat?] year for [decent?] things at Washn. & it ought to be at Sacramento But if you cant, you cant. Is there any hope of a new set of Commissioners who will get Olm[illegible]ed’s advice. Of course we 01638 [4]don’t care who manages the Valley if it is done well. I wish you were coming east and could see the new Secy of the Interior on the general policy of managing the new reservations. Come & see me. How about those Alaska articles? With remembrances to Mrs MuirVery cordially yoursR. N. Johnson.The article on you appears in the May No. 9 timed it for the expected extra session when you would be an issue – worth standing by

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