Letter from Katharine M[errill] Graydon to John Muir, 1903 Feb 15.


[2]may hope to see you, and [other?] things connected with the plan.It has not yet [b?]een my happiness to have any real friend visit here - except of course, the Alexanders, who pass back and forth as they would cross the Bay - and I trust you are coming. I wish Mrs Muir and the girls might be with you!All were well at home when I last heard. I am busy, and well[in margin: 936][1][letterhead]Honolulu, H.I.Feb. 15, 1903.Dear Mr. Muir,Your New Year greeting reached me, and, as always, I was most glad for your kind words. The very suggestion of seeing you here has acted like an inspiration. I trust you are really to come. Write and let me know more, when it is to be and for how long the Islands03166https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/41717/thumbnail.jp

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