The feasibility of cassava as sustainable source of clean energy production in Ghana: a concept proposal


The aim of this concept proposal is to invite interested development partners to work collaboratively with rural communities and other stakeholders in Ghana in order to determine the feasibility of cassava as a sustainable source for clean energy (ethanol) production. The proposal arose directly out of a paper titled, 'The search for sustainable disposal of dead bodies- the case of Botoku rural Ghana', which the lead of author of the current paper(KT) presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Development, Oxford UK 2018. The current paper is a follow-up and attempts to mobilise support for rural communities such as Botoku to explore the feasibility of growing cassava for clean energy production. At the core of the proposal is the challenge of sustainability: how to improve the lives of the world's poorest people in ways that have co-benefits for climate change mitigation and adaptation? After presenting the background and overview of the concept proposal, we highlight ways in which interested development practitioners, researchers and funders might be able to help determine the feasibility of the concept proposal

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