
Driver Inattention During Vehicle Automation: How Does Driver Engagement Affect Resumption Of Control?


This driving simulator study, conducted as part of the EC-funded AdaptIVe project, investigated the effect of level of distraction during automation (Level 2 SAE) on drivers’ ability to assess automation uncertainty and react to a potential collision scenario. Drivers’ attention to the road was varied during automation in one of two driving screen manipulation conditions: occlusion by light fog and occlusion by heavy fog. Vehicle-based measures, drivers’ eye movements and response profiles to events after an automation uncertainty period were measured during a highly automated drive containing one of these manipulations, and compared to manual driving. In two of seven uncertainty events, a lead vehicle braked, causing a critical situation. Drivers' reactions to these critical events were compared in a between-subjects design, where the driving scene was manipulated for 1.5 minutes. Results showed that, during automation, drivers’ response profile to a potential collision scenario was less controlled and more aggressive immediately after the transition, compared to when they were in manual control. With respect to screen manipulation in particular, drivers in the heavy fog condition collided with the lead vehicle more often and also had a lower minimum headway compared to those in the light fog condition

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