Hollywood, Cal.,June 12, 1912.1525 Formosa Ave.Dear Kr. Calkins:-I have often thought of you since I returned and I assure you that you ere far from any danger of being forgotten.As you say, I have had a grand saunter over two continents,and have had wonderful success not only in finding whet I was looking for in particular, but a great deal that I was not looking for and did not expect to see. I am now writing up some of my notes, but it is a long job to get them in anything like shape, and a harder job than traveling, even in thoso hot countries like Brazil and Rhodesia, and the equatorial regions at the heacd of the Nile.I em going to try and get to see you some time when I need a rest, but I cannot get away so easily as I used to, since my good friends, Mr. Hooker end Colonel Sellers, have passed away. In the meantime, hoping that you all enjoy your California home among the oranges, I em, with thanks for your kind letter and invitation,Cordially yours,[illegible]0921