Reconciling turbulent burning velocity with flame surface area in small-scale turbulence


A discrepancy between the enhancement in overall burning rate and the enhancement in flame surface area measured for high-intensity turbulence is addressed. In order to reconcile the two quantities, an additional contribution from the effective turbulent diffusivity is considered. This contribution is expected to arise in sufficiently intense turbulence from eddies smaller than the flamelet thickness. In the present work, the enhancement in diffusivity arising from these eddies is estimated based on a model energy spectrum; individual contributions from all turbulence length scales smaller the flamelet thickness are integrated over the corresponding portion of the spectrum. It is shown that diffusivity enhancement, estimated in this manner, is able to account for the measured discrepancy between the overall burning rate enhancement and flame surface area enhancement. The factor quantifying this discrepancy is formalized as a closed-form function of the Karlovitz number.G.V.N. acknowledges the funding support of EPSRC grant EP/P022286/1

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