Letter from Annie L.Muir to John Muir, 1883 Nov 15.


01115Crete Neb. Nov. 15 ‘83Dear Brother John: -Your two kind letters to Maggie and me were rec’d, and I hasten to acknowledge you exceedingly kind invitation to me. How I wish it were in my power to respond in person immediately, for I long to see you again and to make the acquaintance of your wife and baby – but for the present I am utterly incapable of undertaking the journey I have as yet barely recovered from the journey from Wis. to this place, which was just a month ago – Dan has[Page 2]even forbidden my riding out in the carriage, as he says the jaring & shaking have a tendancy to spread the difficulty in my lung – which is, as Maggie has probably told you, hepatized. My plan now then, is if possible, to get down to Kansas City before the coldest of the weather comes, and winter with Joanna & Walter who have very cordially urged me to do so – as it is warmer there than here and less windy – and then, as the climate there is highly recommended for such cases as mine I shall hope by spring to be able to accept your invitation – And oh how I will look forward to it! for has it not been the dream of yours, that I might one day visit California, and look upon the wonderful Yosemite Valley [illegible], of which I have read such glowing accounts from your pen and that of others. The very thought of it seems to inspire and lift me out of myself. Can you tell me what months are the best, in Cal.? But of course I shall have to be guided by circumstances entirely. Maggie will write you again by and bye. With love to you and yours. I am yours affect –Sister Annie L. Mui

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