
Signals of predation-induced directional and disruptive selection in the threespine stickleback


Background: Different predation regimes may exert divergent selection pressure on phenotypes and their associated genotypes. Threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus have a suite of bony structures, which have been shown to be an effective defence against predation and have a well-known genetic basis. Question: Do different predator regimes induce different selective pressures on growth rates and defence phenotypes in threespine stickleback between different habitats across distinct age classes? Hypothesis: In the presence of predation-induced selection, we expect diverging morphological responses between populations experiencing either low or high predation pressure. Study system: Threespine stickleback were sampled from two natural but recently established populations in an invasive range. One site has a high density of fish and insect predators, while at the other site predation pressure is low. Methods: We inferred predator-induced selection on defence traits by comparing the distribution of size classes, defence phenotypes, and an armour-related genotype between different age classes in a high and a low predation regime. Results: Under high predation, there are indications of directional selection for faster growth, whereas lateral plate phenotypes and associated genotypes show indications for disruptive selection. Heterozygotes at the Eda-gene have a lower survival rate than either homozygote. Neither pattern is evident in the low predation regime. Conclusion: Potential evolutionary responses to divergent predation pressures between sites are apparent in a recently established system

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