On the origin of blueshifts in organic polariton condensates


We report on the origin of energy-shifts in organic polariton condensates. The localised nature of Frenkel excitons in molecular semiconductors precludes interparticle Coulomb exchange interactions -the latter being the dominant mechanism for blueshifts in inorganic semiconductor microcavities that bear Wannier-Mott excitons. We examine the contribution of optically induced change of the intracavity non-linear refractive index, gain induced frequency-pulling and quenching of the Rabi splitting, as well as the role of polariton-exciton and polariton-polariton scattering in the energy-shift of the polariton mode at condensation threshold in strongly coupled molecular dye microcavities. We conclude that blueshifts in organic polariton condensates arise from the interplay of the saturation of molecular optical transitions and intermolecular energy migration. Our model predicts the commonly observed step-wise increase of both the emission energy and degree of linear polarisation at polariton condensation threshold

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