Observations of the high vibrational levels of the B′′B̄ 1Σ+u state of H2


Double-resonance laser spectroscopy via the E F 1Σ+g, v\u27 = 6, J\u27 = 0–2 state was used to probe the high vibrational levels of the B′′B̄ 1Σ+u state of molecular hydrogen. Resonantly enhanced multiphotonionization spectra were recorded by detecting ion production as a function of energy using a time of flight mass spectrometer. New measurements of energies for the v = 51–66 levels for the B00B ̄ state of H2 are reported, which, taken with previous results, span the v = 46–69 vibrational levels. Results for energy levels are compared to theoretical close-coupled calculations [L. Wolniewicz, T. Orlikowski, and G. Staszewska, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 238, 118–126 (2006)]. The average difference between the 84 measured energies and calculated energies is 3.8 cm–1 with a standard deviation of 5.3 cm–1. This level of agreement showcases the success of the theoretical calculations in accounting for the strong rovibronic mixing of the 1Σu+ and 1Πu+ states. Due to the ion-pair character of the outer well, the observed energies of the vibrational levels below the third dissociation limit smoothly connect with previously observed energies of ion-pair states above this limit. The results provide an opportunity for testing a heavy Rydberg multi-channel quantum defect analysis of the high vibrational states below the third dissociation limit

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