The Impact of Site-based Management on Perceived Roles of Superintendents, Board Chairpersons, Principals and Selected Central Office Personnel in Tennessee School Systems


The introduction of site-based management has had an impact on the operation of school systems in Tennessee; however no one seems to know for certain what that impact was. Findings from this study revealed that there is a basic understanding of the impact of site-based management as perceived by superintendents, board chairpersons, principals, personnel, budget, curriculum, and staff development administrators. Findings also revealed that central office staff and principals, for the most part, perceive that the superintendents and board chairpersons were supportive of site-based management programs. One hundred and eighty-one educators, including board chairpersons, responded to a fifty-four item questionnaire. This questionnaire focused on the following areas: impact, roles, system-wide policies, personnel, relationships, staff development, morale, position authority, curriculum, policy making, budget and support. Using the F-test for analysis of variance, it was determined that significant differences in perceptions existed in the area of understanding the impact, sharing decisions at the school site, boards of education relinquishing policy making authority to the school site, and principals and faculties having control of the curriculum. The remaining eight (roles, system-wide policies, personnel, staff development, morale, position authority, budget, support) had no significant differences in the perceptions of the respondents. Conclusions of the study emphasize that in order for site-based management programs to be successful there must be a dramatic change in the traditional administrative role. Recommendations were extensive training, retraining, and education be provided so that all school and central office personnel and community members understand and have a sense of ownership of site-based management

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