. As increasingly more new skills are necessary for graduates entering the workplace or
seeking employment, business leaders, politicians and educators suggest that if students are to succeed
in today’s world, they will require 21st century skills. However, there is no single agreed-upon set of
skills. We argue that social media skills are becoming ever more important for employment and
society should class them as important 21st-century skills from maintaining well-rounded social media
profiles to more advanced data science and analytic skills. At the same time, such a demand affects the
teaching process since teachers have to acquire new knowledge about the available tools. Twitter as a
microblogging platform is definitely one of the tools that is a part of 21st-century social skills. Thus,
by integrating it into the teaching process, Twitter can generate new experiences for both sides, the
students and the teachers. In this paper, we conduct a descriptive review of the recent literature that
covers Twitter use in teaching. We reviewed results from the top 100 retrieved research results in Web
of Science on Twitter and teaching in the domains of social science, science technology, and arts and
humanities. We analysed the results quantitatively in terms of content, methods, and methodologies
and qualitatively as the description of results found in selected papers that meet certain criteria. This
paper also discusses different research departure points for use in further research of the topic