CorkSTFlfluidics - A novel concept for the development of eco-friendly light-weight energy absorbing composites


CorkSTFlfluidics are environmentally friendly composites consisting of a laminar sheet of compactedmicro-agglomerated cork engraved with a network of microchannels by laser and filled with a concentrated aqueous solution of cornstarch (shear thickening fluid). Thus the mechanical properties of thesecomposites will result from the combination of the mechanical properties of the micro-agglomeratedof cork and the enhanced shear thickening response of the STF flowing through the network ofmicrochannels. In this work we have performed low velocity impact tests using a drop weight testingmachine in order to asses the improvement of these composites with regards to the micro-agglomeratedof cork alone. A numerical analysis was also performed and allowed to understand how shear thickeningbehavior is triggered by the appropriate combination microchannels' size and the inlet velocity. Thus, forthe 60P/40S/M sample, the peak force was larger than the one given by the cork sheets without engravedmicrochannel nor STF

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