Social and Economic Consequences of the Dickey-Lincoln School Hydro-Electric Power Development on the Upper St. John Valley, Maine -- : Phase 1, Preconstruction


The intention of this report is to present a still picture of the selected area as of the summer of 1966. The emphasis is on empirical relationships. The data contained herein will provide a base for subsequent analysis. Thus little attempt is made to cast the findings of the study in a theoretical framework. Later publications will utilize relevant theory and research to analyze the social and economic changes in an area related to the building of the Dickey and Lincoln School Dams. It is presumed that this particular report and its statistical sup-plement will be of particular interest to decision makers at the local, state and national levels who have expressed a desire for more information about the area in order to provide them with a better basis for making decisions associated with the Dickey-Lincoln School project

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