A Combined Spectral and Energy Morphology Analysis of Gamma Ray Source HAWC J2031+415 in the Cygnus Constellation


HAWC J2031+415 is a probable pulsar wind nebula (PWN) located in the Cygnus Cocoon region near a complex OB star cluster. First observed by the High-Energy-Gamma-Ray Astronomy (HEGRA) observatory in the TeV energy regime, the source had no apparent counterpart in lower energy ranges. Previous work using 1343 days of data from the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-Ray Observatory has determined that three sources are present in the Region of Interest (ROI): HAWC J2031+415, HAWC J2030+409 (also known as the Cocoon), and 3HWC J2020+403 (associated with the Gamma Cygni supernova remnant) \cite{Ian_01, Binita_01}. In this work, I use the newest data set containing 2000 days of data from HAWC to analyze the region. I apply a systematic source searching method to determine the number of sources, their locations, and spectra. Three estimators are used to determine the spectral energy distribution for HAWC J2031+415 and the best fit is found to be a power law with an exponential cut-off. I then isolate HAWC J2031+415 and perform an energy-dependent morphology study of the source. No measurable energy dependence of the morphology was found. Additional data will allow for more detailed studies of the region

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