Foraminiferal record and astronomical cycles: An example from the Messinian pre-evaporitic Gello Composite Section (Tuscany, Italy)


A high resolution bio-magneto and cyclostratigraphical study has been carried out for the first time on Messinian pre-evaporitic marine deposits (Gello Composite Section) from the Volterra Basin (Italy). Since the investigated deposits manifest no evident lithological cyclicity, others records have been used to recognize the vidences of an astronomical periodicity. The distribution curves of planktonic and benthic foraminifera have been used for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. yclostratigraphical analyses have been based on: i) abundance fluctuations of Bolivina and Bulimina among the benthic foraminifera, Globigerinoides, Orbulina and Turborotalita among the planktonics; ii) CaCO3 content changes; and iii) Shannon-Weaver index variations relative to benthic assemblages. As a result, 18 precession-controlled cycles have been recognized. Moreover, the recognition of the C3An.1r, C3An.1n and C3r magnetozone and some biochronohorizons, have allowed the tuning of the studied section with the ATNTS (Astronomical Tuned Neogene Time Scale) using the Laskar 2001 (1,1.2) solution of the insolation curve. This multidisciplinary study strongly supports that the onset of evaporitic deposition in Tuscany and in other circum-Mediterranean type-successions, as the Abad Composite Section (Spain) and the Falconara Section (Sicily), was isochronous

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