Stable Postnikov data of Picard 2-categories
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Picard 2-categories are symmetric monoidal 2-categories with invertible 0-, 1-, and 2-cells. The classifying space of a Picard 2-category D is an infinite loop space, the zeroth space of the K-theory spectrum KD. This spectrum has stable homotopy groups concentrated in levels 0, 1, and 2. In this paper, we describe part of the Postnikov data of KD in terms of categorical structure. We use this to show that there is no strict skeletal Picard 2-category whose K-theory realizes the 2-truncation of the sphere spectrum. As part of the proof, we construct a categorical suspension, producing a Picard 2-category ΣC from a Picard 1-category C, and show that it commutes with K-theory in that KΣC is stably equivalent to ΣKC