Data for crystallisation, dissolution and saturation temperatures of the ternary system: Hexadecane and octadecane representative in fuel solvents


The data presented in this article relates to the crystallisation of hexadecane (C₁₆H₃₄) and octadecane (C₁₈H₃₈), being the predominant alkanes present in hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), from solvents representative of fuel (dodecane, toluene and kerosene). Data was collected for eleven C₁₆H₃₄/C₁₈H₃₈ compositions for each solvent used. Raw crystallisation and dissolution data is provided over a range of solution concentrations and cooling rates used under a poly-thermal crystallisation methodology. Equilibrium saturation temperature data is also presented for each composition, concentration and solvent system, indicating the trend in solubility for each solution

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