Bats’ Roost Selection and Population Count using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) System in Wind Cave Nature Reserve


Limestone karst ecosystems in Sarawak are critical to the survival of bats since they offer protection and permanent shelter for most bat species. Increasing growth of limestone quarry and cave tourism industries in Malaysia impose threat to the cave-dwelling bats. Roost sites are identified as the key habitat requirement for bats and may be the limiting resources in highly disturb environment. Given the importance of cave to the bats, this thesis aims to understand the cave used by bats by understanding their roost requirements and the population number of bats roost in Wind Cave Nature Reserve (NR). Factors involved in roost selection were investigated and number of bats roost in the cave were determined using new approach. Their light intensity, roost temperature, ambient temperature, roost height, and distance of roost to nearest entrance were identified as factor that influence roost selection of bats in Wind Cave NR for dry and wet seasons. Eight species of bats that roost in Wind Cave NR were specific in selecting their roost site. The roosts temperature are significantly different between species but not by seasons. Further, using advanced remote sensing technology, the LiDAR system, bat population in Wind Cave NR were measured through 3D image. There were 2,886 bats that roosts in Wind Cave NR. Penthetor lucasi (megabat; n = 979) followed by Rhinolophus affinis (microbat; n = 947) was found to be the highest number of species that inhabit the cave. In addition, Wind Cave NR has been modeled into three-dimensional cave where its shows the bat’s roost site accurately. Use of conventional species identification method along with the new scanning technology allow to better understand bat fauna and better estimate their population size

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