Neolamarckia cadamba or locally known as Kelampayan is an economically and ecologically important forest tree
species. The species is an indigenous fast growing tree that gives early economic returns, within eight to ten years.
Kelampayan has been planted in plantation for commercial purposes due to its wood characteristics that are suitable
to produce different products, such as plywood and paper. In the present study, germination test was used to
determine the seed viability and to gain more information with respect to field planting value of the Kelampayan
seeds. Germination test also can provide results which can be used to compare the value of different seed lots. Fruits
of ten mother trees from the Ravens Court, Lawas, Sarawak, were processed and air-dried to collect the seeds. The
germination test was conducted on the filter paper under optimum condition and the growth rates between progenies
of different mother trees were compared. Progenies from mother tree number 00059, showed the highest
germination rate (88%) while progenies from mother tree number 00067 showed the lowest germination rate (14%).
The information on germination test can be used to predict the rate of germinating progenies from different mother
trees and to determine the planting value of seed lots to provide standardized marketing seed. For DNA genotyping,
a total of 139 progenies from the 7 selected mother trees earlier were genotyped using four SSR primers, namely
AC03, AC11, AC15 and GTG11. All 4 loci were successfully amplified and a total of 17 alleles were detected. The
value for He was highest for NCAC11 (0.7190) and lowest for NCGTG11 (0.3832)