Evaluating LAANC Compliance and Air Traffic Collision Hazards Posed by Small Unmanned Aircraft Operations in Controlled Airspace


On July 23, 2019, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) expanded the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC)—the system that processes airspace approvals for sUAS operators in controlled airspace—to include recreational operations. Under LAANC, sUAS operators submit flight request information to one of 14 LAANC Service Suppliers via a mobile or online application. Flight request data is checked against UAS Facility Maps, NOTAMs, and Temporary Flight Restrictions to ensure compliance. Small UAS operators then receive a digital, automated authorization in near-real time. As of May 23, 2019, 591 airports across the United States are included in the LAANC system. Researchers sought to collect and evaluate sUAS operational activity in controlled airspace using UAS detection equipment. Detected sUAS flight data was compared against airspace information, temporary flight restrictions, UAS Facility Maps, and LAANC approval data to assess sUAS operator compliance and behavior patterns. Small UAS detections and LAANC authorization data was further compared against air traffic data to identify potential UAS flight interference and collision hazards with air traffic

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