What Makes A Digital Marketing Strategy Successful: Insights For Growth-Phase Consulting Firms


Digital marketing is the transformation of businesses and organizational landscapes – be it opening access to global markets and communities of interest, uncovering new pricing models, revolutionizing the placement and distribution of products, transforming media, facilitating greater collaboration and efficiency within organizations, or empowering consumers to demand new customer-centric marketing models (Kaufman & Horton, 2014). To successfully operate a business today, modern marketing strategies must be implemented to keep pace with competition, and marketers must lead with a digital-first mindset to meet their audiences where they are most likely to be found: online and digitally. Traditional marketing tactics, such as television commercials and magazine advertisements, should integrate with today’s digital communication methods in order for companies to prosper or even survive (Brabandere, 2016). [Abstract taken from introduction.]Master of Arts in Digital Communicatio

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