Analysis of Tools Used to Streamline Institutional Repository Workflows


East Tennessee State University has been using the reference manager Zotero, the copyright database SHERPA/RoMEO, and the open access locator Unpaywall to add faculty publications into a Digital Commons institutional repository. The presentation provides an analysis of the availability and accuracy of records generated by Zotero, SHERPA/RoMEO, and Unpaywall. Specifically, the analysis compares how effective the tools are when using them on journal articles in four disciplines: Arts and Humanities, Education, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Medicine and Health Sciences. Results from other studies will be incorporated into the presentation in order to supplement the analysis by the presenter. Although the focus will be on examining Zotero, SHERPA/RoMEO, and Unpaywall, the presentation will discuss broader implications of the results including how publishing trends in different disciplines affect IR workflows

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