Rigidification of a macrocyclic tris-catecholate scaffold leads to electronic localisation of its mixed valent redox product


The catecholate groups in [{Pt(L)}3(μ3-tctq)] (H6tctq = 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexahydroxy-4b,8b,12b,12d-tetramethyltribenzotriquinacene; L = a diphosphine chelate) undergo sequential oxidation to their semiquinonate forms by voltammetry, with ΔE½ = 160–170 mV. The monoradical [{Pt(dppb)}3(μ3-tctq•)]+ is valence-localised, with no evidence for intervalence charge transfer in its near-IR spectrum. This contrasts with previously reported [{Pt(dppb)}3(μ3-ctc•)]+ (H6ctc = cyclotricatechylene), based on the same macrocyclic tris-dioxolene scaffold, which exhibits partly delocalised (class II) mixed valency

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