The low-rank decomposition of correlation-enhanced superpixels for video segmentation


Low-rank decomposition (LRD) is an effective scheme to explore the affinity among superpixels in the image and video segmentation. However, the superpixel feature collected based on colour, shape, and texture may be rough, incompatible, and even conflicting if multiple features extracted in various manners are vectored and stacked straight together. It poses poor correlation, inconsistence on intra-category superpixels, and similarities on inter-category superpixels. This paper proposes a correlation-enhanced superpixel for video segmentation in the framework of LRD. Our algorithm mainly consists of two steps, feature analysis to establish the initial affinity among superpixels, followed by construction of a correlation-enhanced superpixel. This work is very helpful to perform LRD effectively and find the affinity accurately and quickly. Experiments conducted on datasets validate the proposed method. Comparisons with the state-of-the-art algorithms show higher speed and more precise in video segmentation

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