International settlement of mass atrocity claims: responses by domestic courts: inventory report. - Rev. version


Work Package 7 (WP7) of the DOMAC research programme studies the interplay between mass claims processes (MCPs) and litigation in domestic courts. Its focus is primarily on how MCPs have been challenged in domestic courts. Reparations have been granted to victims through various forms of MCPs—both at national and international level—in response to some of the same atrocity situations as international courts have addressed. Given the increasing calls for victim reparations in post-conflict planning and peace negotiations, a project such as DOMAC takes account of the actual and potential impact of MCPs. This report maps out how WP7 approaches the central DOMAC question: Impact of International Courts on Domestic Criminal Procedures in Mass Atrocity Cases. An annex to this report will be accumulated throughout the WP7 research period and will contain an inventory of relevant claims programmes and related court decisions

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