Cover Crops Alternatives for Sustainable Agriculture Systems in Uruguay


In Uruguay, the increase of cropland area during the last decade was based on rotation systems intensification and soybean expansion, achieving 1.321.000 ha (Souto, 2014). Diaz (2007) demonstrated the value of the ley-farming systems where the integration of livestock and crop production achieved benefits on sustainability. Despite the advantages of crop-pasture rotation systems (García Prechac et al., 2004), grain market prices and food demand resulted in pasture phase losses in rotation with crops. Recently, Livestock Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry implemented a national soil conservation plan, that regulates cropping rotation systems based on soil erosion estimations and other key soil quality indicators. Although, no-till was full adopted, climatic and soil conditions determine that soil must be cover by residues or vegetation all year to reduce erosion and degradation (Thorup-Kristensen et al., 2003). Cover crops contribute to protect soils during fallow periods. The 17% of total soybean area cultivated is in Eastern Uruguay, being soils with erosion risk , fertility, structure and drainage limitations. This paper evaluates cover crops adaptation, subsequent effects on soybean productivity, and estimations of nitrogen supply and extraction from cover crops and soybean, respectively

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