Can a Self Assessement Tool for Environmental Controls which has been Informed by Users be of Benefit to Potential Users


This dissertation looks at the area of environmental control systems (ECS) also known as electronic aids for daily living for people with disabilities. These systems allow an individual with a disability to control devices such as a television, music player, telephone as well as a door, window or curtain controllers. A self-assessment tool was developed for potential users, which was informed by the feedback of (i) users who use or who have used environmental control systems, (ii) Enable Ireland staff who were involved in the service delivery of ECS and (iii) companies who install ECS for individuals with disabilities. These stakeholders were interviewed by a guided interview based on the research on assistive technology models. Results of interviews informed the self-assessment tool development. After the self-assessment tool was developed it was evaluated by potential users to see what benefits it had for potential users

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