
Implementation of MCA in the framework of LIGGGHTS


We describe the implementation of the Movable Cellular Automata Method (MCA) within the framework of the open-source code LIGGGHTS to simulate complex solid behaviour; most importantly plastic deformation, on different scales. The developed code extends the capabilities of the MCA method, as well as that of LIGGGHTS software; which simulates granular behaviour and is based on the discrete element method. The main difference between MCA and DEM is that the interaction between the particles is based on a many-body forces form of inter-automata interactions, similar to the embedded atom method used in molecular dynamics, because pair-wise interactions between elements used in DEM are insufficient to simulate irreversible strain accumulation (plasticity) in ductile consolidated materials. We first give an overview of the MCA method and its significance, followed by the implementation approach. The code has been successfully verified against analytical data

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