
Ellerman bombs (EBs) have been widely studied over the past two decades; however, only recently have counterparts of these events been observed in the quiet-Sun. The aim of this article is to further understand small-scale quiet-Sun Ellerman-like brightenings (QSEBs) through research into their spectral signatures, including investigating whether the hot signatures associated with some EBs are also visible co-spatial to any QSEBs. We combine Hα\alpha and Ca II 85428542 \AA\ line scans at the solar limb with spectral and imaging data sampled by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Twenty one QSEBs were identified with average lifetimes, lengths, and widths measured to be around 120120 s, 0.630.63", and 0.350.35", respectively. Three of these QSEBs displayed clear repetitive flaring through their lifetimes, comparable to the behaviour of EBs in Active Regions (ARs). Two QSEBs in this sample occurred co-spatial with increased emission in SDO/AIA 16001600 \AA\ and IRIS slit-jaw imager 14001400 \AA\ data, however, these intensity increases were smaller than reported co-spatial to EBs. One QSEB was also sampled by the IRIS slit during its lifetime, displaying increases in intensity in the Si IV 13931393 \AA\ and Si IV 14031403 \AA\ cores as well as the C II and Mg II line wings, analogous to IRIS bursts (IBs). Using RADYN simulations, we are unable to reproduce the observed QSEB Hα\alpha and Ca II 85428542 \AA\ line profiles leaving the question of the temperature stratification of QSEBs open. Our results imply that some QSEBs could be heated to Transition Region temperatures, suggesting that IB profiles should be observed throughout the quiet-Sun

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