
The Immediate Futures of EU Health Law in the UK after Brexit


Over a year after the referendum on EU membership, even the broad parameters of the legal arrangements of Brexit remain frustratingly unclear. Details are woefully lacking. The EU insists that a withdrawal agreement must be settled before discussing any future EU/UK (trade) agreement(s). The withdrawal agreement will cover the position of R-EU nationals in the UK and vice versa and the UK’s liabilities to the EU. Both have implications for health law. The UK intends to secure legal continuity and reform through statute and executive action. EU law is deeply entwined in UK health law, albeit often indirectly. No area of health law will remain entirely untouched by Brexit. This article considers the implications of the withdrawal agreement, and the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, on key aspects of UK health law, and argues that the health law community must be attentive to these unfolding processes

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