The accuracy that GNSS and GBAS can provide is the key to improve air traffic
where bottlenecks appear: terminal areas surrounding main airports. Its
implementation would represent lower budgets in cost and maintenance in
comparison to current guidance systems that would remain as backup.
This project focuses on processing raw satellite data and producing a standard
output to increase air traffic navigation, approach and landing capacities in
terminal areas. This involves tasks such as algorithm prototyping in Matlab and
-integrity monitoring testing- with bad ephemeris data to check the output
response. The impact of known errors will be analyzed to obtain a robust and
scalable system.
The next step will be the GBAS message codification and generation (Type 1)
for a GBAS station. This station will be made up of four reference receivers
located in the proximity of airport's Runways to accomplish CAT (I)
requirements and provide the best measurements in approach and landing
The project is located in the base of an ambitious bigger scheme (CATGOS)
under development by Indra, which aims to implement and certificate a GBAS
station for an airport environment in a four-year prospect