Blood Seeker Mobile Application


This report discusses the research done on the chosen topic, which is Blood Seeker. This project shows that Blood Seeker is one of the technology methods for patients in Malaysia. The objectives of this project are to provide a platform for individual to search for blood request and also to save lives through a simple and quick blood donors search application. The problem statements of this project are difficult to locate blood donors with a certain blood types in a designated area and thhere is a huge gap between blood donors to interact between themselves in emergency situation The scope of study for this project is searching donors in immediate need of blood with the target users; android users. The literature review component talks about using mobile technology as method to improve healthcare sector are further discussed in detail. In the methodology section, it is discussed about the software development methodology applied in developing this project which is Rapid Application Development combine with Waterfall Model. The project phases are also being discussed in detail. The preliminary findings consist of the findings from literature review research and the storyboard of the Blood Seeker. In the recommendations section, all the related recommendations and some improvements that can be done for the future of this project are listed and elaborated. The conclusion section concludes the overall project

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