Nowadays, children with Down Syndrome are not left behind in terms of education.
One significant finding is that to utilize 'early intervention principle', which sated that
learning process for Down Syndrome children will be more effective if it is conducted
when the children are still young. Older children who have passed the age for 'early
intervention principle' program or those who did not have the opportunity to join the
program earlier will be enrolled into 'kelas pendidikan khas' at government school.
However, one of the entry requirements is the children must know how to take care of
themselves without help from others. In order to help these children, the 'Therapeutic
Learning Software for Down Syndrome' is developed. The term therapeutic means the
results of medical treatment that is beneficial and desirable. The main objective of this
project is to design a software that focuses on occupational therapy and language
therapy for older Down Syndrome children. The software will be designed to be in an
interactive mauner, as the studies proved that using visual aids and sounds will make
the learning process more effective. The methodology used for this project is
Prototyping methodology. As for the data gathering methodology, the technique chosen
are interviews and questionnaires. Overall, the system is aimed to address the learning
process of Down Syndrome children, through therapeutic learning, and to take
advantage of the information technology which is to use visual aids and sounds in order
to make the learning process more interactive and effective