An Analytical Study of the Maintainability of Academic Building Air Conditioning System


Maintainability is an inherent characteristic of system or product design. It pertains to the ease, accuracy, safety, and economy in the performance of maintenance actions. A system should be designed such that it can be maintained without large investments of time, at the least cost, with a minimum impact on the environment, and with a minimum expenditure of resources. One goal is to maintain a system effectively and efficiently in its intended environment, without adversely affecting the mission of that system. Maintainability is the ability of an item to be maintained, whereas maintenance constitutes a series of actions necessary to restore or retain an item in an effective operational state. Maintainability is a design parameter. Maintenance is required as a consequence of design. Air conditioning system is often operated and maintained inefficiently due to the knowledge gap between design guidelines and maintenance practices aided with fault detection techniques. To address this issue and to develop a guideline for good practices, this study examined the maintainability parameters for air conditioning system of academic building

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