
The research of this final year project is to investigate the pozzolanic effect of rice husk ash in the cement/binder paste. In order to attain this main objective, there are several tasks need to be carried out. In other word, there are several sub-objectives need to be attained to achieve the mainobjective of this research. Thesub-objectives of this research will be discussed clearly in the introduction. The production of rice husk ash is the main topic concerning in this research. Rice husk ash produced must fulfill two basic requirements, the ash must contain at least 80% of silica and it must attain amorphous phase so that the ash is chemical reactive in the mixture. Thus, the high quality ash can be obtained by controlling the burning process of the rice husk. A standard burning procedure had been fixed and the detail of the burning procedure is discussed in detail inthe methodology section. The fines of the rice husk ash will be determined by using Blaine Air Permeability test and Le Chatelier flask test. However, the equipment of Le Chatelier flask is not available in the university. Thus, the test had to be carried out by using ordinary conical flask. The concept and procedure for Le Chatelier Flask test will maintain the same for ordinary conical flask testbutthe result obtained for LeChatelier Flask test will be more accurate than the ordinary conical flask due to the different equipment calibration between both tests. Water/cement-binder ratio is supposed determining by using the flow tablet but due to unavailability of flow table in the university, Vicat test had been chosen to determine the water/cement-binder ratio. The water/cement-binder ratio is maintained constant previously in this research but the selected water/cement-binder ratio is not suitable for all the mixtures especially mixtures that incorporate higher percentage of RHA. Therefore, water/cement-binder ratio for all the mixtures will be determined by carrying out the Vicat test to ensure that the mixtures will undergo complete hydration process. Thus, we had fixed one water/cement-binder ratio for every mixture, but one value of W/C ratio for each mixture cannot be justified as the optimum W/C ratio that gives the optimum compressive strength for the each mixture. Thus, we choose a few more water/cement-binder ratio for each mixture so that we can obtain a curve that will give theoptimum compressive strength for all the mixtures. The degree of hydration of the paste can be obtained by carrying outthe TGA test. The paste at the age of 28 days will be grinded and will be tested in the TGA machine. Since there are a lot samples to be tested, the optimum compressive strength for each samples will be chosento undergothe TGAtest

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