Design and Implementation of e-Book Authoring and Customization


Electronic book (e-Book) is an electronic version of traditional print book that can be read by using a personal computer or an e-Book reader. Users can purchase an e-Book on diskette or CD, but the most popular method of getting an e-Book is to purchase or download the e-Book from a Web site to be read from the user's computer or reading device. The e-Book future has not been clearly seen yet, as some says that nothing can beat the original printed books but some others would say that e-Book is the future of reading. This report is a final year project involving a research and implementation of an improved version of e-Book. The research is conducted to get a better understanding on the e-Book itself, what it is and what are the advantages and disadvantages of e- Books. On the implementation side, an improved version of e-Book is developed, with the focus on the design, and functionalities and the special facilities. The implementation will also improve the way e-Book is presented. The newly improved e- Book is expected to enhance the reading of e-Book. Scope of study will cover on the e- Book, the comparison between e-Books in the internet, the programming language that is used for the development of the project; which is HTML, PHP and JavaScript, and also on the human and computer interaction to ensure the interactivity between user and the computer. This project adopted the Rapid Application Development methodology to converge early towards an acceptable and a feasible design of the project. The results of this project will cover the survey analysis on e-Books, and the improved version of e- Book. i

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