Total Water Management System


The purpose of this pilot project is to embark on a total water management system (TWMS) that enables the efficient and effective management of water by addressing both quantity and quality aspects through real time water quality monitoring, water usage monitoring and water leakage monitoring in water distribution network. TWMS is a previous project embarked on by Universiti Teknologi PERONAS (UTP) research community, which is a wireless sensor network (WSN) testbed set up in one of the research laboratories in UTP. In this project, the major work shall focus on implementing a wireless solution in UTP students' villages, to provide a WSN data collection for monitoring and analysis purposes hence the objective is to find an optimal water management solution. The targeted monitoring and control setup would be the wash rooms located at the selected levels and selected houses of each male and female village. Wireless sensors that are installed on the strategic water pipes will be used to measure the water usage, water leakage, and water quality. All data collected would be transmitted automatically to a lab server for storage, archive, and analysis. Command and control signaling can be transmitted wirelessly to control the possible leakages. The outcome of this project shall provide vital statistics and information on the managing and control of water losses, which ultimately may contribute to the improvement of the sustainability of clean water supply and distribution. Moreover this project might provide a platform for wireless sensor technology to become a strategic enabler for a total water management syste

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