Web - Based GIS for Tourist Guide with SMS / MMS Technology


Web Based GIS is a system that combines two applications which are wireless communication and web site application. The main objectives ofthe system are to ease tourist in finding certain location in Malacca and to also to help them to access to the required location in a shortest period oftime. Other objectives are to develop a system that is accessible to the user in terms of location and computer technology that are used, to develop a system that can provide accurate location and information for tourist, to help administrator in order to monitor the system and to develop a user-friendly interface or system by applying HCI elements. Usually, people view map using paper map and this process is inefficient and will cost a lot oftime in finding the paper map. Besides, it is difficult for the tourist to find certain location in a state. It consumes a lot of times in looking the location that we want without having any idea where the location is. The scope ofthis project is only limited to Malacca. The system will focus on Bandar Malacca's map and information concerning the map. Other than that, there is a research about Web Based GIS and ArcIMS ( system requirements, the best viewers, publish data on website). Waterfall model has been chosen as the methodology in developing this system

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